Dancing Bipedal Robot
Dancing Robot, designed as part of Robotics Studio, Spring 2021.
Dancing Robot, designed as part of Robotics Studio, Spring 2021.
A Lightweight Calibrated Simulation Enabling Efficient Offline Learning for Optimal Control of Real Buildings, in collaboration with Google, Fall 2023.
Tool that uses formal verification to analyze gene interactions in cells.
Powerful Chess engine using modern techniques. image source
Easy to understand implementation of CFR on Kuhn Poker, to help people learn about the algorithm. image source
Evolved walking Robot, designed as part of Evolutionary Computation, Spring 2022.
LSTM based tool to automatically punctuate old Hebrew Manuscripts, developed for an education non-profit. image source
First ever paper to show intra-person fingerpring similarity. image source
A Novel ML approach to Machine Crystalography, using a variational query-based multi-branch deep neural network to predict 3d crystal structure from powder x-ray diffraction.
An analysis of the Guide for the Perplexed, 3:34.
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How to interperet the Talmud
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Musings on Elisha Ben Abuya
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Analysis of the esoteric elements of the Guide for the Perplexed
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An analysis of early interperetations of Tzelem Elokim.
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An analysis of His famous opinion
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An analysis of Shavuos
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The balance between human weakness and Ideals
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An analysis of taamei hamitzvot
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This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.